RSI Pro Martingale doubt


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  • #915793

    I have the RSI EA Pro, and I just found out that the martingale options when you active it with the multiplier it doesn’t reset it self after making a win. for example if I choose martingale max 7 and I make a win in the 3 or 4 it keeps multiplying till 7 times. it’s not good because it’s better it stops after the recovery and restar, would you please considir that like makenig the option reset after win. the option reset after max it´s good because I can control the lose, but it deosn’t make sense to keep multipying after making a win. check out the picture attached. thanks for the good job!


    OK… its something else, the martingale its not working well.. it dosn’t star multiplaying right after the first lose so later it deosn’t count well. anybody else is having the same problem?

    Rownak kayser Rafi

    If i enable ma trend filter on 200 ema , when placing sell order does it use price below 200 ema?
    I have rsi advance ea

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